Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Glen Phillips  talk - 'Chris insults Ireland' (2:01)  2007-03-15 
 2. Corey Taratuta  #14 "O Come Ye Back to Ireland," A Tour of Ireland Deal and More Messages from Our Comment Line  Irish Fireside 
 3. Bevan James Eyles and 'Coach' John Newsom  Ironman Talk Roth Interviews - Chris McMormack  Ironman Talk 
 4. James Kennison  Episode 53 - Insults & Injury  Nobody's Listening 
 5. Alison Randall  Episode 138: Bukowski's Poems and Insults  Hellbound Alleee\'s Mondo Diablo 
 6. President George W. Bush  President Bush Meets with Peter Robinson, First Minister of Northern Ireland, and Martin McGuinness, Deputy First Minister of Northern Ireland - June 16, 2008  Presidential Speeches & Remarks 
 7. Edward M. Favor  Ireland isn't Ireland anymore  Edison Amberol: 354 
 8. Hunter, Brian  Ireland, Mother Ireland  The Same Great Love Song 
 9. Edward M. Favor  Ireland isn't Ireland anymore  Edison Amberol: 354 
 10. John McCormack Frank Patterson  Ireland, Mother Ireland  Greatest Irish Tenors 
 11. Jack Clark  40-Iraq: More Expensive Than Vietnam, And The Right-Wing Gladly Reaps The Benefits / How To Respond To Right-Wing Insults  Blast the Right 
 12. Chris Cook  Gorilla Radio with Chris Cook, Chris Genovali, Michael O'Tuathail, Janine Bandcroft, Jun 1, 2009  Gorilla Radio 
 13. Adam Victor Lattimore  Presenting Drummer Chris - featuring Chris Coffman  Modern Mystical Muses 
 14. HOST: Chris Waltzek  Hr 2 Chris Mayer, Todd Schoenberger & Chris Waltzek  A SPINA-WALTZEK PRODUCTION 
 15. The Dude on the Right  Movie Talk, Artie Lange Talk, End of the World Talk,  The Entertainment Ave! Podcast 
 16. Jay-Z  Beach Chair (Feat. Chris Martin) (Produced By Chris Martin)  Kingdom Come 
 17. Jay-Z  Beach Chair (Feat. Chris Martin) (Produced By Chris Martin)  Kingdom Come 
 18. Zinque  Ireland  The Big Smoke 
 19. Sandy Crimmins and David Falco  Ireland  Live at the Writers House 
 20. Red Steagall & the Boys in the Bunkhouse  If I Never See Ireland Again  Wagon Tracks 
 21. Red Steagall & the Boys in the Bunkhouse  If I Never See Ireland Again  Wagon Tracks 
 22. Barker  Ireland  SamplerCD 
 23. Chip Taylor & Carrie Rodriguez  Oh Ireland  The Trouble with Humans 
 24. Sandy Crimmins and David Falco  Ireland  Live at the Writers House 
 25. The Wolfe Tones  God Save Ireland  Rifles Of The I.R.A.  
 26. Edward Rutherfurd  The Princes of Ireland   
 27. George Stanley  Trip to Ireland  Kelly Writers House / UPenn, Oct-23-2003 
 28. George Stanley  Trip to Ireland  Kelly Writers House / UPenn, Oct-23-2003 
 29. George MacFarlane.  Ireland (1915)   
 30. Logue and the Banshee  The Bells of Ireland  Decapolis Christmas Album 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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